Privacy Statement

What do we do with the information we collect about you?

To finish the transaction, our staff gathers personal data like the address, name, and email of those who make purchases from us.

While you shop at our site We also receive the Internet Protocol (IP) address to give us information which helps us understand your operating system and browser.

Email marketing (if relevant) In accordance with your consent, we may send you emails about our products, store openings and other updates.


What do I need to do to get your approval?

You consent when you supply us with your personal details to carry out a specific transaction. It could be used to confirm your credit card details, make an order, make a delivery appointment, or even return something.

If we request your personal data to fulfill a different purpose, for example, marketing, we\’ll request your expressed consent, or give you an possibility to opt out.

Section 3: Disclosure

If we are required be required to by law or violate the terms of our service, you could be compelled to release personal information.


In general, third party services providers only gather your information, use the information and provide it to you in the amount necessary in order to provide the services they offer to us.

Certain service providers, such as third party vendors, including payment gateways, payment transaction processors and others are governed by their specific privacy policies pertaining to the information we are required to disclose.

It is important to read the privacy policies to fully understand how the providers manage your personal data.

It is also important to be aware that there may exist providers who are in another jurisdiction or that have different facilities. In the event that you opt to go by completing a transaction for a service that involves a third party service provider, the law of that jurisdiction or the location of its facility may apply to your information.

Section 5 – Security

To protect you We employ industry-leading practices ensure your safety, use security measures, and adhere to reasonable security standards, to ensure personal data isn\’t misused in a way that could be harmful or lost, treated improperly, exposed or shared, modified or destroyed.

If you provide us with the information of your credit card The information you provide us is secured by using Secure Socket Layer technology (SSL) and then stored with an AES-256 encryption. While there isn\’t a 100% safe method for transmitting data over the Internet and keeping it in electronic form We are in compliance with all PCI DSS guidelines.

Section 6: Age of CONSENT

Through this website that you have met the requirements of minimum age for the province or state in which you live or that you meet the requirements for minimum age in the state or provincial residence you live in and have consented to allow minors who are dependent on you to use the site.